Film Companies
Ken Clarke has worked with many International Film Companies throughout his Film & TV Career
- Paramount (Young Sherlock Holmes, Lady Jane)
- 20th Century Fox (Alien)
- Disney
- Columbia (Young Winston, Midnight Express)
- American International (Wuthering Heights)
- Working Title (Paper House, Camden Town Boy)
- Zaltman Films Ltd
- Lucas Films UK Ltd (Indiana Jones Productions 1,2,3)
- Oz Production Ltd (Return to Oz, Muppets)
- Chapter 111 Productions Ltd (Star Wars, Revenge of the Jedi, Empire Strikes Back)
- Warner Brothers
- Henson�s Org Ltd (Dark Crystal)
- Lost Ark Productions Ltd (Raiders)
- Hawk Films Ltd (The Shining)
- Dovemead Ltd (Superman Part 1 & 11)
- Amjo Production Ltd (Pink Panther Strikes Again)
- Andor Film Ltd (Sinbad)
- Filmco International Productions Inc (Mohammad the Messenger of God)
- 2 Roads Production Ltd (Royal Flash)
- Trans Continental Film Productions (Great Expectations)
- Richard Alan Simmonds Productions Ltd (Juggernault)
- De-Luxe Production (Jewels)
- Cinema Havana SA (Havana)
- Toontown Ltd (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
- The Stone Group Ltd (Jewel in the Nile)
- Hugh Hudson Film (Greystoke Tarzan of the Apes)
- Woodfall Ltd (Joseph Andrews)
plus many many more...